## Savior Sharks Update: Squishy Delights and More! 1.22

Get ready for a **plump and squishy** update to the Savior Sharks! We've been hard at work improving the model's deformation, adding some fun new features, and making sure everything feels just right.

**Here's what's new:**

*   **Weight Painting Fixes:**  We've tackled some weight painting issues in the thighs and waist, resulting in **smoother and more natural deformation** for those areas. 

*   **Nose Boop Physbone:**  Prepare for the ultimate squish! We've added a **nose boop physbone** for some **adorable nose-squishing physics**. (credit for : Amber  for this suggestion!)

*   **Floor Colliders:**  Say goodbye to clipping! We've implemented **floor colliders for the paws and tail**, ensuring a more realistic and immersive experience. 

*   **Blendshape for Thigh Highs:**  We've added a **blendshape for thigh highs and TTsocks** that creates a **plump, squishy effect** at the top of the stockings.  (credit for : Amber  for this suggestion!)

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting features coming soon! 


SaviorShark Remaster 1.22.unitypackage 973 MB
82 days ago

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